We live a lifestyle where everything is touched by gadgets and technologies. People have started to think life is impossible without these accessories. "It's a nightmare!", they say. It is indeed, since we're so very attached to it. So, let's move on to the hacks of some of the gadgets to make full use of it:
- Avoid charger from bending or breaking. Breakage on chargers might be dangerous with the risk of current flow out of the charger. So, you can avoid that from happening by simply using a spring at the tip of the neck of the chargers, in most cases.
- Take selfies using earphones. While taking a selfie, most of the times, it is difficult pose and click pictures at the same time. So, here's a simple trick: plug in your earphones and use the volume buttons to take pictures comfortably. Yeah, you will need an earphone with volume buttons on it.
- Enjoy your movie without having to hold your phone constantly. You can use sunglasses, or any other glasses as a stand for your phone. Simply, rest the specs folded and upside down, and adjust your phone.
- Avoid multiple chargers getting tangled in a multiplug. Create a charging station or dock so that all your chargers stay organised. This is done by getting a box that fits your multiplug, making number of holes as necessary on one side of the box where the wire can pass through, one hole per charger. It will look clean and organised.
- Make good use of your old socks. You can make a quick jogging band out of your old socks and hold your mp3 player while jogging. Make sure to wash them first! Cheers!
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